Business Simulator Resources

SimVenture Evolution

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Business people looking at graphs and resources on laptop and tablet as part of an advanced business learning simulation

SimVenture Evolution is our online business simulator. This advanced business learning simulation allows people to start, manage and grow a virtual company, helping your students to acquire key skills in an engaging and enjoyable way.

Whether you’re using the business simulation for the first time, or you’re a seasoned ‘SimVenturer’, we have a comprehensive range of free support materials available for you.

Our resources can be used to help you integrate SimVenture Evolution seamlessly into your own teaching and/or training programmes. These include:

  • Videos
  • Guides
  • Activities
  • Research
People around a table using laptops and computers as part of an advanced business learning simulation

Step-by-Step Guides for Learners

Here are some step-by-step guides for learners getting started with Evolution for the first time.

Business Simulator Videos

We’ve put together several videos which will help you to learn more about the business simulation, how it works and what it offers.
To view the SimVenture Evolution videos, click the ‘Play’ button to run each video. Use the expand icon button to view in full screen mode. Choose the caption button to view the written captions if you prefer.

Help & Advice

Learn how the learning solution works, discover key features, and how the business simulation will help you.

Learn how to navigate your way around the business simulation and make best use of all the games’ functionality.

Discover how to make use of all information available within the business strategy game.

Understand how to access all the help and advice available throughout SimVenture Evolution.

Business Simulator Written Guides

We want to ensure you make the most from the simulation, so we have collated some guides to help and support your implementation of SimVenture Evolution.

Orientation Guide

Essential information for Co-ordinators using SimVenture Evolution for the first time.

Applying Evolution

A guide to the varied ways in which SimVenture Evolution is used in different contexts.

Evolution User Manual

A comprehensive guide for SimVenture Evolution learners using the business simulation.

Control Tower Manual

A comprehensive guide for SimVenture Evolution educators using the business simulation.

Competition Guide

A guide to setting up and running a SimVenture competition

Learning Activities and Lesson Plans

We know how much time it takes to develop and write a new module or training course. That’s why our team of Learning and Development specialists has created a series of one-page learning activities and PowerPoint presentations to support and enhance your work with the business simulation.
Once licences have been purchased you get access to all these materials.

The learning activities for the simulation are:

  • Themed and linked to specific functional areas of the simulation (Finance, Marketing, Operations, Organisation, R & D, and Resourcing).
  • Written for those new to business studies right through to boardroom activities.
  • Applicable for all the simulation’s activities (New company set-up, building a company and growing an established business).
  • Easy to use as an activity with or without the simulation.

Here are four examples of learning activities for students.

Business people looking at graphs and resources on laptop and tablet as part of an advanced business learning simulation

Advanced Business Learning Simulation Research

If like us, you feel technology enhanced as well as advanced business learning has a critical role to play in education, use this section of the website to discover latest thinking.

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