SimVenture Classic

Workplace Training

Helping you to develop your business and your people

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Sim Venture computor game event with, from left, Ron Godfrey, Business Editor of The press, James Teagle of Langleys, Tracey Smith of York Science Park, Paul Brough Jones (front) of Venture Simulations, Gary Butterfield of RBS and Paul Castle of Nat West. pic: Anthony Chappel-Ross

As a result of the digital revolution employers must transform workplace talent. New forces require a evolving mix of employees and this change demands regular reskilling and upskilling so organisations have the knowledge, employees and leadership to remain highly competitive.

We understand that the management and development of people in order to support key business priorities is important to you and we’re here to help.

SimVenture Classic is our award-winning business simulation that has been designed with our clients to help you develop and transform workplace talent. 

Our business simulation is used by organisations of all sizes all over the world to bring individuals and teams together to develop a wide range of commercial skills, knowledge and competencies.

Bring learning to life with SimVenture Classic which is interactive, engaging, and enjoyable for all.

Business people discussing ideas in front of a laptop about how to transform workplace talent
Workplace Skills
  • Leadership & Management
  • Teamwork
  • Reflective Practice
  • Communication & Problem-solving
  • Cooperation & Competition
Business Themes
  • Finance for non-finance managers
  • Commercial Awareness
  • Strategic thinking & Business Strategy
  • Entrepreneurial thinking
  • Crisis & Risk Management

Transform workplace talent

Teacher explaining charts to a room of students and professionals.

We can provide a variety of training and facilitation packages to suit your needs available either on-site or virtually. Some examples are:

  • Corporate events (teambuilding, identification of candidates for senior development programmes or general competitions) over 1 day or more.
  • Graduate development, both in terms of teamwork or individual business and professional development.
  • Staff development – as a one off business event, or as part of an extended multi-disciplinary programme.

Let’s collaborate on a customised plan together which will help you to attract and retain talent, motivate and engage employees and develop capabilities in your business.

Feedback from Learners

Learners who use the simulation tell us that they appreciate

  • Access to a flexible learning tool which is interactive and enjoyable.
  • Increased engagement and interaction in their learning.
  • Learning a wide range of competencies.
  • Learning by doing that retains knowledge.
Woman with laptop smiling in an office with people chatting about how to transform workplace talent
Let us help you to transform workplace talent using a trusted and proven product, a plan that works for you and technology with which your learners will be excited to engage.

“All the work was ASDA relevant and created insightful discussions. The overall level of business understanding increased significantly and the grads agreed it was one of the best training events with which they had been involved.”

Carl Tabisz, Talent Advisor, ASDA Walmart