SimVenture Classic

We have a comprehensive range of free learning materials available to all SimVenture Classic users. Whether you are brand new to the small business simulation game, or you are a seasoned SimVenture Classic user, our array of free learning materials are here to support you on your education journey.
As you know, our multi award-winning small business simulation software application is used to support students to develop key business skills in an authentic, engaging, and enjoyable way. We look forward to supporting you on this exciting journey.
Our free downloadable learning resources can be used to integrate SimVenture Classic seamlessly into your own teaching and/or training programmes. Resources include:

SimVenture Classic Video Learning Materials
Here you will find a range of video tutorials that will help guide you through using our business simulation, SimVenture Classic. You can also access these video resources for SimVenture Classic on YouTube. Don’t forget to subscribe so you are the first to discover new video resources as soon as they become available.
Discover how SimVenture Classic works and explore key features.
Starting a Game
Learn how to start a game in SimVenture Classic.
Learn how to navigate the business simulation.
Page Layout
Understand how to read each page within SimVenture Classic.
The Playing Sequence
Discover the three key steps to playing the business simulation.
Making Decisions
Learn how to make decisions in SimVenture Classic.
Running a Month
Find out how to run a month in SimVenture Classic.
Evaluating Consequences
Find out how to evaluate your business decisions.
Help & Advice
Discover how to access additional help and advice from within SimVenture Classic.
Find out how to access extra tools to help you run your simulated virtual business.
Your First Business
Now you are ready to start your first virtual company. Find out how to get started.
Learning Materials for Tutors and Trainers
We know how much time it takes to develop and write a new module or training course. That’s why our team of Learning and Development specialists have created a plethora of educational resources to support and enhance your work with our small business simulation, SimVenture Classic. Here you will find a range of downloadable activities and resources to help make using SimVenture Classic with your students as simple as possible.
SimVenture Classic Case Studies and Testimonials
If you would like to know more about how SimVenture Classic can be used within an educational setting, we can help. Our collection of case studies and testimonials from educators around the world offer an insight into how our multi award-winning small business simulation game has been used with students in a variety of contexts.
See what educators say below or download the full pack of case studies and testimonials.
Of course, if you require additional support, our team is here to help. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.