SimVenture Christmas Cracker Quiz 2022
Get the answers to our SimVenture Christmas Cracker Quiz 2022.
Q1. Which of these gags won the “Best Joke at the Edinburgh Fringe” award in 2022?
(B) “I tried to steal spaghetti from the shop but the female guard saw me and I couldn’t get pasta?”
Q2. Having spent a mere $325 million dollars on a new unmanned spacecraft, Nasa launched the Whizzy Tech into space in September 2022. But what was the spacecraft’s mission?
(C) To divert an asteroid that could potentially hit planet earth
Q3. Alleged Christmas Scrooge ‘Noel Skum’ recently gave himself a new job, but where does he work?
(B) Wettitr
Q4. Satirist and editor of ‘Private Eye’, Ian Hislop, started his career editing which magazine while at Oxford University?
(B) Passing Wind
Q5. Which of these things did not last longer than Liz Truss’ tenure as PM?
(D) Britney Spear’s first marriage
Q6. Finnish entrepreneurs and engineers Tommi Eronen and Markku Ylönen have made a breakthrough by devising and producing solar batteries made from which substance?
(C) Sand
Q7. Who is quoted as saying “It’s freezing and snowing in New York – we need global warming!”
(C) Donald Trump
Q8. Which of these innovations was made before the late Queen Elizabeth II was born?
(D) Television
Q9. ‘Staple the Vicar’ and ‘Love in a Femidom’ are misheard song lyrics, noticed by which famous comedian who hit the headlines once again this year?
(A) Peter Kay
Q10. Sponsored SimVenture Question. Students are constantly coming up with ingenious and… sometimes absurd names for their virtual companies in SimVenture Evolution. Which of the following has not (to our knowledge) been used to replace Green Spokes as a company name?
(B) Velo-Ciraptor
Q11. The men’s football World Cup in Qatar is well underway just now, but who missed the first penalty at the 1994 tournament in the USA?
(D) Diana Ross
Q12. Can you solve this Wordle grid? The clue is “This actor’s year got off to a Rocky start”.
We hope you’ve enjoyed the SimVenture Christmas Cracker Quiz 2022.