Partner with us to develop innovative education business software for higher education.

Partner with us to create new education business software

Would you like to co-create innovative education business software? 

If so, we want to hear from you.

We are developing new bite-sized business-focused learning activities using the business simulation technology that underpins SimVenture Evolution

This new software solution will offer students the opportunity to develop subject-specific knowledge and skills quickly and independently.

These bite-sized activities are currently called SimVenture Credentials, and the first Credential is planned for launch later this year.

In the meantime, we’re looking for university educators to collaborate with us on this new business learning technology.

Why should you collaborate with us on education business software?

By collaborating with our team, you’ll be able to influence the development of SimVenture Credentials to ensure it aligns with university teaching requirements and your individual needs as an educator.

Our co-design approach is providing organisations with attractive low-cost and low-risk ways to develop innovative education business software. 

Both the University of Sunderland and the University of Leeds have already started working with our team. These collaborations are set to ensure the new education business software develops necessary employability and commercial skills for students.

If your education institution is looking for innovative solutions to develop employability skills for a specific university student group, this is the opportunity for you.

How will this new education business software work?

This new education business software will allow students to progress through levels of learning, which will include: basic, intermediate, and advanced stages.

Key areas of business (e.g. finance or marketing) will be covered as individual topics in the context of running a simulated company.

University students will spend up to eight hours completing a basic level Credential, with more time required for the intermediate and advanced stages.

Assessment and certification will also be built into the online learning solution, and our team will work with higher education institutions to white-label aspects of the technology. 

Ultimately, the design of SimVenture Credentials will mean that students won’t need a business background or strong commercial skills to benefit from using the software. As learners advance through each Credential, they will develop employability and corporate skills, and gain greater business confidence.

Collaborate with us

If you would like to collaborate with us on this new education business software, simply complete the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.

* indicates required

We look forward to working with you to bring business learning to life.