Industrial design student overcomes fears of entrepreneurship
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Industrial design student overcomes entrepreneurial fears

Can industrial design lead to entrepreneurship? Can industrial design ever be sustainable? What if I’m too scared to start a business?

These are all questions that Tshwane University of Technology student, Wilson Ramatswi, had to think, experience, and answer for himself. Now, this undergraduate student plans for an exciting future full of sustainable innovation and entrepreneurial ventures.

With the help of the startup ideas platform, Validate, Wilson has also expanded his knowledge around business and entrepreneurship with the hope of starting his own business sometime soon.

Keep reading to learn more about Wilson’s experience and see if he can answer some of your hard-thought questions.

Introducing Wilson Ramatswi

Wilson is an undergraduate student at Tshwane University of Technology, currently studying Industrial Design. During his studies, he has worked on many challenging projects such as an inclusive game controller, sustainable packaging, and eyeglasses for outdoor enthusiasts.

“I think that design can improve user experience and address pressing issues in the real world, particularly for those with special needs,” explains Wilson.

Using Validate for Industrial Design

During his 3rd year of studying Industrial Design, Wilson was assigned to evaluate a business idea he devised during his previous studies in another class. With the help of the startup ideas platform, Validate, Wilson and his peers were able to test their ideas, conduct market research, and plan for risks and obstacles.

Wilson explains, “I investigated different business tactics like pricing, marketing, and manufacturing choices, and saw how they affected the likelihood of success for my company. My understanding for the larger market dynamics at work, as well as the financial ramifications of my decisions, has improved as a result of this experience.”

“In the end, it proved to be a priceless resource for assessing the viability of my business concept and adjusting my strategy in response to immediate feedback.”

When introduced to Validate, Wilson was instantly drawn to the interactive features of the online tool.

“Initially, all I could think about was how exciting it was to be able to manage a virtual company and make choices that would directly affect its performance,” says Wilson, “I became aware of the significance of making decisions based on evidence, and my ability to evaluate consumer input and market trends helped me make well-informed decisions that had a direct impact on the success of my company.”

“Seeing how my selections affected the virtual firm right away was one of the best parts of utilizing the Validate tool.”

Wilson explained that he learned a lot from the startup ideas platform, and found it really helpful in understanding the relationship between business, management, and overall success of his business concept.

Wilson said, “Using Validate, I learned a lot about business ventures and management. I’ve always valued experiential learning opportunities, and the platform seemed to provide them for me as an industrial design student. The real-time feedback was quite helpful in helping me understand how business management is a cause-and-effect relationship.”

The fear of becoming an entrepreneur

Over his years of studying, Wilson developed a strong passion for creating innovative and inclusive products. Through his business management classes, he learned a lot about entrepreneurship and business strategy, and also developed a desire to start his own venture after attending a 5-day THENSA entrepreneurship workshop.

Alongside his studies, Validate helped expand his knowledge around entrepreneurship and build his self-confidence when faced with real-life business scenarios.

Wilson explains, “While I don’t have a business of my own yet, I am actively working towards registering one as soon as I can. The experience [from the 5-day THENSA workshop] provided me with practical insights into the entrepreneurial process, from ideation to execution.”

“With Validate, I was able to supplement my theoretical knowledge from my studies with practical experience by fully immersing myself in the business environment. I was able to understand difficult ideas about entrepreneurship and business development much more easily and practically because of this approach.”

“The main effect has been an increase in my self-assurance for my upcoming business ventures. My ability to make strategic judgments, assess market conditions, and observe the outcomes of my decisions has equipped me to handle the difficulties involved in managing a firm.”

Despite having the knowledge and newfound confidence to start his own business, Wilson still fears that he may not be ready to step out into the entrepreneurial world.

“The unpredictability of unemployment has been one of the main obstacles in my professional journey,” says Wilson, “I’m constantly stressed because I want to learn more about the business world and hone my entrepreneurial abilities but I have a strong urge to launch something worthwhile, especially considering my chances of making it a profitable endeavour. However, without practical experience, managing the challenges of starting a business – understanding market demands, funding, and effective strategies – has proven difficult.”

“I’m constantly looking for ways to close this knowledge gap, whether it is through networking, workshops, or companies like SimVenture. I think I can achieve my goals if I have the correct knowledge and direction. Finding the tools and contacts required to make that move would be difficult, but I’m still driven and have hope that I’ll succeed in my endeavors”.

Using entrepreneurial tools to experience real-world business

Looking towards the future, Wilson remains hopeful and determined to enter the world of entrepreneurship and start his own business, including overcoming the anxiety and uncertainty that he feels.

Wilson explains, “I’ve realised that the company I want to launch closely relates to the topics covered in my industrial design degree, especially virtual reality and manufacturing. Nevertheless, I can’t help but feel anxious about putting what I’ve learned into practice. The dread of ‘What if it doesn’t work?’ often weighs over me. I struggle with these feelings of uncertainty every day. Even if I became more comfortable grasping business concepts, the thought of actually having to start from scratch still intimidates me.”

However, with the help of the entrepreneurial tool, Validate, the undergraduate student has realised that there is support out there for driven innovators like him.

“The Validate tool has given me a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship and the many facets of managing a business. It allowed me to replicate real-world business scenarios, which helped me comprehend the dynamics of decision-making and strategy formulation. I have learned so much from this experience, and it has given me a taste of what it’s like to run a business,” says Wilson.

“I intend to keep using tools like Validate to increase my abilities and self-assurance.”

The future of sustainble industrial design

In the future, Wilson intends to keep his promise and start his venture with emphasis on sustainability and industrial design. Having designed a bio-luminaire as part of his University project, there already exists a strong dedication and knowledge to implementing sustainability into innovation.

“I want to build a company, using creative design ideas, that puts the environment first whether it’s through material or production methods. Through the incorporation of sustainable principles, I hope to make a beneficial impact on the environment and the industry,” explains Wilson.

“Keep an eye out for projects that demonstrate this dedication in the future as I continue to investigate the nexus of sustainability, technology, and design. By making items that encourage people to think about the effects their decisions have on the environment, I hope to contribute to a larger movement towards responsible production and consumption.”

Have faith and immerse yourself

During his studies, Wilson has gained some top tips to share with fellow industrial design students using Valiate.

Wilson says, “Accept the process of learning. See Validate as a teaching tool rather than a final yardstick for achievement. Making mistakes is a necessary part of the journey, and every choice you make, whether it turns out well or not, will teach you something.”

“Take your time. Go through the platform at your own pace. Spend some time investigating various tactics, evaluating the results, and comprehending the information provided. This detailed approach will increase your learning experience.”

“Engage with the community. Interact with your peers to talk about your experiences. Discussing methods and learning from each other might bring new insights and enhance your confidence.”

“Remain open to input. Allow input from peers or the platform to enter your mind. Giving yourself constructive criticism can help you improve your concepts and methods.”

“Believe in yourself. Don’t be as scared as I was! Although it’s normal to be anxious about the future, it’s important to have confidence in your skills and the knowledge you’ve acquired. Remain resilient and have faith that your efforts will be rewarded. Have faith.”

And for those hoping to start their own business in the future, or to further develop their professional business journey, here are some more tips from Wilson.

“I strongly recommend utilising Validate to your hone business abilities. Through the platform’s unique and immersive experience, users may interact with many aspects of creating a business in a risk-free setting. Complex concepts are made more approachable and relatable through this hands-on approach, which is especially helpful for people who might find it difficult to learn through traditional means.”

“Potential entrepreneurs who are just starting out will benefit most from this tool. It provides a secure environment in which to test out various tactics and make choices that have an immediate impact on your online business.”

Thank you to Wilson Ramatswi for sharing your experience with our startup ideas platform, Validate. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for you and your potential business.

For readers, we hope this article inspires you and that Wilson’s tips and experience with Validate helps you when you use the entrepreneurial tool for the first time. You never know, your experience may also lead you to starting your own business.

If you would like to find out more about Validate, request your free online demo from our team today. We look forward to working with you.